The Nickel brothers, who joined South Shore Yacht Club shortly after World War I, gave long and dedicated service. Al Erv Nickel Award Plaque

Al was secretary, treasurer and COMPASS editor for over 30 years. Erv performed a variety of tasks during the period. Both provided steadying influence during the perilous period of the Great Depression. Their leadership touched the lives of many at South Shore.

The idea of an award to honor them, endorsed by many, was formalized in the spring of 1971 when a special committee under the chairmanship of Carl L. Mueller Jr. and including as members Norman Hundt, Harry Ziemann and Del Kemnitz settled on a memorial plaque.

Donations were solicited to finance the award. Life member Ross Lewis designed the plaque and keeper awards. Past Commodore George Walker did much of the metal work and engraving. The finished trophy was presented to the Club at the 1972 Commodore's Ball.

It is to be awarded each year to a member in good standing for contributions to South Shore Yacht Club representative of the high standards set by Al and Erv Nickel.

Selection of the recipient is made in the summer of each year by a committee including the Commodore, the Vice Commodore as an observer, the Chairpersons of the Sail/Race, Powerboat and House Committees and a Life member chosen by the Commodore.

The basis of consideration includes at least five years continuous membership, years of service on standing committees, character and sportsmanship of the recipient, participation in sailing, power boating or general Club activities and at least one year of outstanding service. Candidates must be active on a standing committee or in a Club post in the year for which the award is presented.

The plaque remains at South Shore Yacht Club. Recipients are given keeper awards.

The past recipients are: 
Kay Putney 2024
Peter Engel 2023
John Achim 2022
Fran Aring 2021
Pat Rakowski 2021
Mark Humphrey 2020
Melvin Fabiszak 2019
Peter Larson 2019
Jim Peterson 2018
John Stollenwerk 2017
John Czeszak 2017
David Wehnes (PC) 2016
Bill Bronk 2015
Michael Giannini 2014
John Barlow 2014
Robert Aring (PC) 2013
Bruce W Nason (PC) 2012
Jerry Kedziora 2011
Thomas M. Salkowski 2011
Joseph (Jerry) Rakowski 2010
David H. Blomberg 2009
Norbert A. Zajc 2008
David A. Tucholka (PC) 2007
Gary E. Mattson (PC) 2006
Victor N. Weiler (PC) 2005
Edward L. Foster 2004
David J. Spiess 2003
Helen "Cookie" Mueller (PC) 2002
Barbara R. Drake 2001
James E. Putney (PC) 2000
Kenneth Dziubek (PC) 1999
Raymond Dziubek 1999
Dennis J. Noble (PC) 1998
John L. Archibald 1997
Ronald J. Nadolinski 1997
Herbert M. Blake 1996
Robert G. Helf (PC) 1995
Lowell I. Marks (PC) 1994
Terrance Case (PC) 1993
Harold O. Wehnes 1992
Michael A. Dukes (PC) 1991
Marshall Reckard (PC) 1990
Ronald Cornelius 1989
Louis R. Peterson 1988
Gerald Jonas 1987
Dr. Robert C. BIackwood 1986
Ron Lemke 1985
Orville Lemke (PC) 1985
John P. Randa 1984
Clifford Hugg 1983
Harry S. Pease 1982
Donald J. Dillon 1981
Norman J. Hundt (PC) 1980
J. Gerald Schlosser (PC) 1979
Walter M. Richter 1978
Don R. Trunk (PC) 1977
Maurice H. Price 1976
George Simonsen 1975
William G. Lepthien 1974
Leonard L. Reuter 1974
CarI L. Mueller Jr 1973
J. Thomas Poth (PC) 1972